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Gibson ES-330 TD from 1963 presented by Vintage-Guitar Oldenburg and Tobias Hoffmann
Gibson ES-330 TD w. Bigsby from 1963 presented by Vintage Guitar Oldenburg and Tobias Hoffmann
Gibson ES-330 TD from 1967 presented by Vintage Guitar Oldenburg and Tobias Hoffmann
Gibson ES-330 TD from 1967 presented by Vintage Guitar Oldenburg and Tobias Hoffmann
Gibson ES-330 TD from 1967 presented by Vintage Guitar Oldenburg and Tobias Hoffmann
GIbson ES-330 TD from 1968 presented by Vintage Guitar Oldenburg and Tobias Hoffmann
Gibson ES-330 TD from 1966 presented by Vintage Guitar Oldenburg and Tobias Hoffmann
GIbson ES-335 TD from 1963 presented by Vintage Guitar Oldenburg and Tobias Hoffmann
Gibson ES-330 from 1967 presented by Vintage Guitar Oldenburg and Tobias Hoffmann
Gibson ES-335 TD from 1964 presented by Vintage Guitar Oldenburg and Tobias Hoffmann
Gibson ES-335 TD from 1968 presented by Vintage Guitar Oldenburg and Tobias Hoffmann
Gibson ES-335 TD in alpin white from presented by Vintage-Guitar Oldenburg and Tobias Hoffmann